Fallible Blog Adventures with looking under the hood

Launching Product Security Index

India is a country of 1.27 billion people with internet penetration somewhere around 27% at present with a healthy double digit growth rate.

Demand has always been increasing for better, cheaper and faster services but, infrastructure just wasn’t ready, until recently. With the advent of cheaper mobile devices and increasingly affordable data plans, more people than ever have access to a wide varity of national and global products. New Internet products and services are spawning almost on a daily basis in myriad different contexts to uproot the incumbents and build products that delight customers.

Yet, amidst growing exponentially and building awesome stuff, companies are often nuisanced by the threats that come along with Internet, a massive network of diverse people. In past, Customers have dealt with harassment, exposure of private data and even financial loss in the wake of security attacks. Even with such a huge expanding user base, companies that undergo such attacks are not immune to the effects of these security breaches and had led upto loss of public trust and eventual shutdown.

Keeping this in mind, we are launching Product Security Index for the common internet products and services that people use on a daily basis. We are using a wide range of parameters to calculate these strength indices and are actively working to improve on it to mirror real world impact.

There are two major takeaways from this tool:

  • For companies, this will serve as a security benchmark index to continuously improve to keep up with their peers globally and, in the process doing justice to their customers to provide with the best experience they can.
  • For consumers, this will raise awareness regarding their privacy, data protection and financial information security provided by the companies they have trusted.

This makes a great case for companies to keep the security a central point of their products and by looking at the internet giants today, definitely pays off in the long run. But, early stage companies are not well equipped to consider all the repercussions of different design choices of their products, neither can they afford to build an in-house security expert team. That’s where Fallible comes into picture.

Fallible is SaaS security company built for making the internet products and services safer, so that companies can focus on building amazing experiences for their customers and not get distracted from achieving the solution to core problem they are tackling.

Sitesh, Manish & Abhishek