Fallible Portfolio Package

Security reports for your complete investment portfolio.

High level dashboard of your portfolio security status

The portfolio package gives you access to a personalized high level dashboard giving information about the security health of your portfolio companies, proactiveness in fixing issues and points that need immediate attention.

This business dashboard is quite different from the developer view that individual developers or tech team gets to fix the security vulnerabilities.

Multi-level granular permissions for issues

You can choose to add a point of contact for each of your portfolio companies, who in turn can add their team members for subscribing to bug alerts and reports.

The multi-level permissions help prevent sibling companies from accessing specific bug data while you continue to get a high level report of the security status.

Optional dedicated paid support

For the times when you get hit by a DDoS attack or suffer a data breach, we can provide a dedicated security support team comprising of security engineers who will work with your portfolio companies to fix issues with a specified SLA.

The support team can also help you while you take key decisions regarding system architecture from the security point of view, organize virtual sessions for your portfolio companies tech team to inform about secure coding practices and more.